Submarine Cables Go Offline, Pakistani Users Facing Slow Internet


Last Updated on April 16, 2024 by Saddam Hassan Khan

Submarine Cables Go Offline, Pakistani Users Facing Slow Internet

Today Pakistani Internet and Broadband users facing slow and no connectivity issues because of Fiber optic cable in Submarine cut off. Pakistani,s having a problem with using the Internet, the internet is slowed down in many parts of the country, and millions of internet and social media users in Pakistan facing the same issue. There is a tonne of complaints registered to Internet providers across the country. No doubt Social media and internet use in Pakistan increasing and became necessary in all fields 


IMEWE cable in Submarine goes offline near Saudia Arabia and Hit most Internet Service Providers in Pakistan with challenges. One month ago Submarine cable was off due to a hardware problem.


 SEMEWE 3, SEAMEWE 5, and the AAE1 submarine are the backbone of the Pakistani internet means Pakistan relies on this but SEAMWEWE 3 is working on limited access.

All Internet Service providers including PTCL facing this big issue and if the issue is not solved within time Pakistan could on dark so this issue must be resolved within time to 

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Saddam Hassan Khan
Saddam Hassan Khan is a Tech writer specializing in the intersection of tech. His Hobbies are Photography and Travelling


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